Some guy wrote into Time magazine about James Poniewozik's piece denouncing James O'Keefe's hit job on NPR. The man said James (I refuse to type his last name ever again) had previously drooled adoringly over Michael Moore, and wondered why the left never criticized Moore for the same tactics.
This man is absolutely right. James O'Keefe is just a mini-Moore with a different agenda. Michael Moore's whole mendacious oevre is celebrated by a lot of the left, to the detriment of all. It's not hard for people to find out all the frauds this man has pulled off in his movies. I used to love Michael Moore until in college the Sundance channel did me the great favor of showing the movie Manufacturing Dissent. It's a movie made by two Canadian liberals about all deceptions in Michael Moore's movies and life. It shows, ultimately, that Michael Moore's unnecassary lies don't just hurt the lefts causes, they hurt documentary films in general. Who won't be skeptical of every documentary, after learning the most famous documentarian is just a charlatan fantasist?
The movie also shows that, while Michael Moore goes around denouncing the corporate greed and excess everywhere in his dirty little baseball hat costume, he sleeps in beautiful hotels while his crew sleeps in grime. On the Colbert Report last night he says the elite is taking from "us," as he deftly lumped himself in with the middle class. And I will be forever grateful that Stephen Colbert replied, "Your baseball cap doesn't fool anyone." Michael Moore is not one of "us" and I resent him trying to be the face of the middle class. This man is not Cesar Chavez. Every time I see him, I grow more convinced that he is a mountebank. He is a toad. The champion of the left can not be a man who has to keep a 24/7 operation running, devoted to defending himself from accusations of misinformation and prevarication. There is no other figure with as little credibility on the left except maybe David Brock. I have no use for liars who agree with me.
Stop trotting out Michael Moore. He said if people didn't rise up after seeing Capitalism: A Love Story, he would quit making movies. I would love this to be the one honest thing he's ever said.
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