Look at this gargantuan sentence: In fact, the fight has just begun and we urge everyone who concerned about the fair treatment of non-believing military personnel and the unfettered right for a soldier in the United States Armed Forces to hold absolutley no belief in anything even remotely supernatural without fear of discrimination or retribution of any kind to follow this story with great interest by visiting and supporting in any way you can the following organizations who are working tirelessly for the equal rights of the men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect the sanctity of our uniquely secular Constitution, which upholds that there shall be no religious test required to hold any office within the United States Government, and that includes wearing the uniform of any of our Armed Services.
This was written by a guy named Al Stefanelli and it is a big fucking sentence. If you try to read it aloud without taking a breath, you will die, there is no getting around it. This is a mountainous sentence.
Believe it or not, that's not the whole article. The rest can be found here.
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